Product Information

  • I would like additional information about a product

    We would be happy to provide additional information about any one of our products. Most product details, features and sizing information can be found on the product page. However, if you are looking for additional information before making an order, please contact us and we will be happy to ass...
  • I would like information about the sizing of a product

    The vast majority of our products have a size chart on the product page to assist you in ordering the perfect size. To locate the size chart for a product, visit the product page and click the "View size guide" to reveal the size chart. See the image below to help you locate the button. Pleas...
  • What is the manufacturer warranty of O'Neill products?

    All products except wetsuits and clearance products 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects. In the event of a defect, we will replace the product with same item or a similar item if we no longer have the original item in stock. If you received a defective product, please contact us to pro...